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Fegley’s Brew Works Blog

Cold Rolling Cream Ale Released
November 20th, 2009 |

NOW ON TAP at Bethlehem Brew Works Classic American Style Ale made famous or some may say infamous by a large regional brewery from New York in the seventies. Cream Ales are light, Crisp and refreshing and Cold rolling Cream Ale is no exception. Cold Rolling is 4.7% ABV and a straw color and smooth […]

Nutso Brown Ale released in Allentown
November 10th, 2009 | , ,

As the leaves blow merrily from the trees to the ground, Something special is pouring right here in downtown, And it soon was discovered, yes I say, it was found, That even a Grinch would love Beau’s new Nutso Brown. So come in and imbibe a snif-snofterly taste, Get every last drop, and let none […]

Tickle Me Tuesdays in November
November 5th, 2009 |

5 November 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TICKLE ME TUESDAYS IN NOVEMBER: INCLUDING EASTON’S OWN ALEX HOUSE! Allentown, PA-Tickle Me Tuesdays, the Lehigh Valley’s only stand-up comedy showcase regularly featuring local talent alongside professional comics from New York & Philadelphia, will be held on the 10th and 17th of November in the Allentown Brew Works’ High […]

Rude Elf's Reserve Released
November 3rd, 2009 |

Now on-tap and in bottles! The holiday season is official here and what better way to celebrate than with our awarding winning seasonal ale. Rude Elf is fresh off a Bronze Medal win at The Great American Beer Festival and ready for your consumption. Rude Elf’s Reserve is comes in at a whopping 10.5% ABV […]

Fegley's Brew Works on tap in Scranton!
October 24th, 2009 | ,

We’re proud to have our great beer at Scranton’s #1 Restaurant! Cooper’s Seafood House 701 N. Washington Avenue, Scranton, PA Best Overall Restaurant, Best Seafood and Best Beer Menu in the Electric City Best Overall Restaurant and Best Seafood in the Diamond City & Best Restaurant and Best Seafood in in the Weekender Readers Choice […]

Fegley's Brew Works Wins Double at 2009 GABF
September 29th, 2009 | , , ,

Continuing our winning streak, we helped put Pennsylvania in Top-5 brewing states! Allentown, PA September 26th, 2009 Results are in from the world’s largest and most popular beer competition in the world – the 2009 Great American Beer Festival – and Fegley’s Allentown & Bethlehem Brew Works have won awards in two categories. Brewmaster Beau […]

PA Senate Race: Sestak, Toomey Share a "Beer Summit" at ABW
September 21st, 2009 | , ,

Read all about the 9/2/2009 event: The Hill’s BLOG BRIEFING ROOM “[It was a] night of bipartisan discussion and imbibing…” The Philadelphia Inquirer “The beer’s on me,” Toomey said. The Morning Call “The two candidates have agreed to meet afterwards at the Allentown Brew Works over a beer.” And From Politics PA.com: Sestak, Toomey share […]

2009 Pumpkin Ale Released
September 21st, 2009 | , ,

Fegley’s Brew Works proudly announces the release of the 2009 Pumpkin Ale! Our Fall favorite is made with pounds and pounds of pumpkin, cloves, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Available on tap for a limited time at all three Fegley’s Brew Works locations. COMING SOON: Also available in bottles for your enjoyment…purchase locations TBA.

Devil's Hearth Released
September 16th, 2009 | ,

Devil’s Hearth is back. This Belgian Style golden ale is a favorite among Brew Works fans. Weighing in at 6.4% ABV Devil’s is smooth with a spicy finish. Brass Monkey is scheduled to be tapped this Friday. Check our Brews pages for “What’s On Tap”. Allentown Bethlehem

Upcoming Beer Releases
September 13th, 2009 |

This just in from head brewer Beau Baden… “Here’s what’s coming up. Dates as always are estimates but all those beers are brewed so if no equipment breaks down we should be good to go.” Hop’solutely bottles will be available soon! Thanks, Beau! Thanks also to Lewis and Nick. BBW New Beer Releases Devil’s Hearth […]

Tweetup on the Green is a hit!
September 9th, 2009 |

Check out the photos here.

Solar Energy Expert to Address Valley Residents
September 7th, 2009 |

Allentown, PA – Dr. Vera Cole, Director of Local Power at the Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Association, and author of Solar Electricity for Your Home: How to Decide Budget & Plan, will address the public at the September gathering of Green Drinks Lehigh Valley at the Allentown Brew Works Wednesday September 9th, at 7pm. Dr. Cole, […]

Brew Works Hires Brewer Nick Micio
September 3rd, 2009 | , ,

Fegley’s Brew Works announces the hiring of Nick Micio! Please welcome the newest member of our team! Nick comes to us from New Hampshire, where he was brewing at the Moat Mountain Brewing Co. Previously he had apprenticed at one of the finest microbreweries in the world: Russian River Brewing Co. He is a graduate […]

Brew Works Breaks with Chains, Links to Local Suppliers
August 28th, 2009 | , ,

BREAKING NEWS: Rich Fegley, owner of the Fegley’s Brew Works has been chosen by WDIY to sit on the panel of the October 13th PINTS & POLICY night with the topic “From Field to Fork…why support local farmers?” The evening will explore the issue of using local food sources and supporting farmers in the Lehigh […]

Kaiser Weiss Imperial Hefeweizen Released in Bethlehem
August 28th, 2009 |

Our summer seasonals are coming to end…but not before we put out one of the biggest tastiest wheat beers ever. Kaiser Weiss is an unfiltered wheat beer with all the delicious taste and aroma of our Hefeweizen with one big added bonus – more alcohol. Kaiser weiss weighs in at 8.1%abv with hints of banana, […]


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