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It’s Back. Our Long Awaited Bourbon Barrel Imperial Coffee Stout.

February 21st, 2019 |

Fegley’s Brew Works Imperial Coffee Stout Release

Allentown, PA  & Bethlehem, PA – At 5 pm on February 22nd, Fegley’s Brew Works will release their long-awaited “Imperial Coffee Stout” at the Allentown & Bethlehem Brew Works locations. The brew will be available on draft and for sale by the bottle or 12 pack of bottles!

Brewed with a whopping 150lbs of Gourmet Sumatra Dark Roasted coffee beans from the Firehouse Coffee Company, this Bourbon Barrel Imperial Coffee Stout is aged in freshly poured Woodford Reserve barrels for 9 months! The coffee’s smooth character, earthy undertones, and low acidity truly complement our Jet Black Imperial Stout’s bourbon, oak, vanilla, and chocolate aromas.
This Imperial Coffee Stout is a huge beer with an original gravity of 1.134. When Fegley’s Brewmaster Gustavo Vale was asked why he loves this seasonal release so much, he responded saying, “It’s nice to drink something other than an IPA, especially in the middle of winter. Yeah, we have a stout year round, but the Bourbon Barrel Imperial Coffee Stout is meant to be special. High gravity, fiscally irresponsible amounts of coffee, and almost a year aging in bourbon barrels. It is a limited quantity release, which only makes it more fun to drink!”.

The Stout has a sweet yet balanced mouthfeel, rich in body, with an essence of raisin, chocolate, and fig. Four yeast strains were added to the brew, finishing with champagne yeast to add a dry balance to this sweet and heady Stout.

Over the years, Fegley’s Brew Works has given many of their high gravity beers creative, fanciful names: Hop’solutely, Devious, and Insidious among others. Many names for the Stout were considered and when asked why the void of a fanciful name, owner Jeff Fegley said “It has a name, ‘Fegley’s Brew Works Imperial Coffee Stout’. We felt that no other name could do this beer justice. The beer really speaks for itself.”

Fegley’s rarely packages small quantity, one-off specialty brews in 12oz bottles and this brew is a limited release. Due to the exclusivity of the Imperial Coffee Stout, they encourage everyone to stop by on its release date this Friday, the 22nd, to grab some before it’s gone!

Fegley’s Brew Works has been honored throughout its twenty-one years with accolades for their food and drink as well as their community involvement. They are dedicated to sustainable business practices by recycling, upcycling, and composting waste material. Their breweries and brewpubs are run by 100% renewable energy sources and Fegley’s strives to use locally sourced, all-natural, responsibly raised ingredients for their menus to serve food and beer as good as nature intended it.


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