Top 5 Things to Raise a Glass to at the 2016 Celtic Classic

September 20th, 2016 | ,

The 2016 Celtic Classic, an internationally known celebration of all things Celtic, is taking place in Bethlehem from September 23rd to 25th. Fegley’s Brew Works is excited to be part of the festivities. Here are five things we’re looking forward to at the festival this year:

1. The Highland Games

celtic-classic-2This is the 12th year the Celtic Classic will host the official U.S National Highland Games Championship. All season, professional Highland Athletes compete to be one of the 10 contenders to participate at the Celtic Classic. We’re excited to see who will be the new champion this year in events such as lifting of heavy stone, throwing the hammer and tossing of the caber (our personal favorite). Demanding physical labor such as this definitely makes room for beer.

2. The release of our Bagpiper’s Scotch Ale

Our Bagpiper’s Ale is a rich, malty ale that is higher in alcohol than many other ales so…it may raise your kilt. Available bottled and on draft at our Allentown and Bethlehem locations, this strong ale contains notes of caramel toffee with hints of highland smoke and roasted grains.

3. Traditional Celtic Food

One of the highlights every year of the Celtic Classic is the authentic food. Watch competitors participate in the annual Haggis Bowl and race to consume an entire pound of Haggis the fastest! Or, stop by Bethlehem Brew Works for a platter of our delicious Beer Battered Fish & Chips paired with Bagpiper’s Ale.

fegleys-celtic-classicv3 4. Fegley’s Snapchat Filter

Have fun with our brand new Fegley’s Brew Works Snapchat filter! If you are on SnapChat, filter your snap to include the the bagpiper from our Bagpiper’s Scotch Ale! Then, share your picture on Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #FegleysBagpipersAle for a chance to win one of our new t-shirts.

5. The Music

There’s nothing more fun than upbeat, traditional Celtic music! Check out the Grand Pavilion, Tavern in the Glen, Ice House, Irish Pub Tent, and Celtic River Stage to hear all of the great bands scheduled to perform.

What are you looking forward to most about this year’s Celtic Classic? Let us know in the comments! And check out our upcoming events, like our Beer Dinner and Fegley’s 7th Annual Whisky Festival.


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